NGC is the world’s largest third-party coin grading service, offering accurate, consistent and impartial assessment of a coin’s authenticity and grade.
开办原意并非是商业化的行为,只是补贴ANA这个营利性组织的一部分开销。 1986年七家知名币商合力组成PCGS (Professional CoinGrading Service),从此这项行为正式的走上了商业化。该公司的成功自然招来竞争者,NGC (Numismatic Guaranty Corporationof America)在1987年成立。 “第三者鉴定”的迷思 有关钱币的真伪鉴定与品...
Professional Coin Grading Service(PCGS)— Established in 1986, this California firm was the first major coin-grading firm to encapsulate coins in tamper-evident slabs. More than 75 million coins and other collectible items have been graded by PCGS. Numismatic Guaranty Corporation(NGC)— In 1987, ...
NGC is the world’s largest third-party coin grading service, offering accurate, consistent and impartial assessment of a coin’s authenticity and grade.