law laws of motion refraction of light maxwell's equation electrostatics bernoulli's principle projectile motion electric charge physics symbols more chemistry periodic table stereochemistry organic compounds inorganic chemistry quantum numbers atomic mass of elements periodic properties of elements 118 elements...
In due course and once the consumers and demand settle, the higher blend of biofuels can be gradually introduced to suit and satisfy the market and the law of demand and supply as well. 4. Discussion To examine the effect of using biofuel and truss-braced wings on the proposed design, ...
3.3.2. Variation in the Law of the Mixture Pressure Drop for Different Injection Velocity Ratios When the Total Flow Rate Is the Same Studies were conducted to analyze the variations in the mixture pressure drop and the differences in friction factors under different injection rate ratios for the...
Present work addresses the heat/mass transfer mechanism for higher order mixed convective flow of Williamson nanofluid impinging over a nonlinear bidirectional elongating surface with power-law heat/mass fluxes. For scientific relevancy, we also investigated the combined influence of chemical reaction, ...
The exponential growth of protein structural and sequence databases is enabling multifaceted approaches to understanding the long sought sequence-structure-function relationship. Advances in computation now make it possible to apply well-established data mining and pattern recognition techniques to these data...
A premixed flame propagating through a combination of vortices in a tube/channel is studied using direct numerical simulations of the complete set of combustion equations including thermal conduction, diffusion, viscosity, and chemical kinetics. Two cases are considered, a single-mode vortex array and...
Layered metallic materials (LMMs) offer a better combination of different mechanical properties in comparison to monolithic sheets. Hot roll-bonding is an effective and economic processing approach for fabricating LMMs. Because of improved mechanical properties, LMMs can be used in shipbuilding, nuclear ...