digital map i. A map expressed and stored in digital form. ii. A representation, in digital form, of discrete points on the earth's surface. Also called anumerical map. dihedral i. The positive acute angle between the lateral axis of an airplane and a line through the center of a wing...
Once the skin replica dries, alight sourcedirected at a twenty-fivedegree anglefrom the plane of the replica is used (Figure 14.2) to capture luminance along a set of ten equal length lines and the reflected light is captured with a high resolution camera mounted vertically to the silicon rep...
<text variable="citation-number" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>. (If properly implemented, there would be no need for trailing spaces after a suffix, so I'm not sure why these spaces are there.) To cover other cases, i.e. styles not using citation-number (I can't remember having seen ...
For the sake of brevity, the NACA prefix will not be mentioned hereafter. The 0012 is used for validating the simulation setup and to examine the effects of the different LE treatments for a reference airfoil. The 5406 profile has been chosen since it shares similar geometrical features ...
Parameters to be inverted are classified as in Table 3, and the prefixed numbers indicate the i-th soil layer. The setup involves 12 parameters—take three levels for each factor. Utilizing an orthogonal array of twelve factors at three levels (Table 𝐿27(312)L27(312)), 27 datasets were...
The prefix number used for mesh denotes the number of screens used in the regenerator. The length of the three regenerators is Lr = 45 mm, and the inner diameter is drdr = 5 mm. The wire diameter and porosity of the regenerator are shown in Table 2. Figure 3 shows the location of ...
The prefix number used for mesh denotes the number of screens used in the regenerator. The length of the three regenerators is Lr = 45 mm, and the inner diameter is drdr = 5 mm. The wire diameter and porosity of the regenerator are shown in Table 2. Figure 3 shows the location of ...