relating to numbers; expressed in numbers numerical data The results are expressed in descending numerical order.Topics Maths and measurementc1 Oxford Collocations Dictionary Word Origin Want to learn more? Find out which words work together and produce more natural-sounding English with the Oxford...
We are not born to handle quantitative distinctions skillfully. In the absence of the cultural traditions that fill our lives with numbers from infancy, we would all struggle with even basic quantitative distinctions. Number words and their written forms transform our quantitative reasoning as they ...
If the data uses numbers, it is numerical. If the data does not have any numbers, and has words/descriptions, it is categorical. What is the best definition of numerical data? Numerical data is commonly called quantitative data. This data is in the form of numbers. Any data in the form...
1.Of or relating to a number or series of numbers:numerical order. 2.Designating number or a number:a numerical symbol. 3.Expressed in or counted by numbers:numerical strength. [From Latinnumerus,number; seenumber.] nu·mer′i·cal·lyadv. ...
1.Of or relating to a number or series of numbers:numerical order. 2.Designating number or a number:a numerical symbol. 3.Expressed in or counted by numbers:numerical strength. [From Latinnumerus,number; seenumber.] nu·mer′i·cal·lyadv. ...
"using both letters and numbers," 1912, contracted fromalphabet+numeric(seenumerical). -ical *nem- See all related words (4)> Trends ofnumerical Sharenumerical ‘cite’ Etymology of numerical by etymonline Harper, D. (n.d.). Etymology of numerical...
Let S_x be the set of polynomials with an infinite relative condition number with respect to evaluating them at x (i.e., they are zero at x). In a few words, describe S_x geometrically as a subset of {\mathbb{R}}^{d+1}. Let S_x(\kappa) be the set of polynomials whose ...
Numerical definition: of or relating to numbers; of the nature of a number.. See examples of NUMERICAL used in a sentence.
In other words: 𝑢ℛ𝑣⇔𝑆(𝑢)≥𝑆(𝑣)⇔𝑓(𝑆(𝑢))≥𝑓(𝑆(𝑣)) holds true for all 𝑢,𝑣∈𝑈. Despite the ordering being the same, the scores have important consequences and collateral meanings. A typical example corresponds to a firm that wants to hire ...