Patankar-Numerical_Heat_Transfer_and_Fluid_Flow 热度: 利用Plus 95为Windows 95“化妆” 热度: 传热与流体流动的 数值计算 帕坦卡 1984 PDFcreatedwithFinePrintpdfFactorytrialversionhttp://.pdffactory (madebywangxnqr@aoxueforum) PDFcreatedwithFinePrintpdfFactorytrialversionhttp://.pdffactory ...
< < heat transfer and fluid flow numerical calculation> > is on the heat transfer and fluid ...
DENG Jing et al.: Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a DC Non-Transferred Arc Fig. 1). It is assumed that external surface of the inter- electrode insert and the anode (NOP, LMN in Fig. 1) are water-cooled to 500 K, and the root of cathode (AF in Fig. 1...
Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 1 阅读量: 1656 作者: S Patankar 摘要: A mathematical description of physical phenomena is given and discretization methods are discussed. Heat conduction is considered along with convection and diffusion, and calculation of the flow field,...
先修课程:流体力学、传热学、高等数学、计算机语言Fluid dynamics, Heat transfer, Advanced Mathematics, Computer Language 课程简介:本课程对计算流体力学和传热学通过方法详解和专题探讨的方式,进行了比较系统和重点突出的介绍。课程讲授内容从数值离散化方法出发,介绍了有限差分方法和有限体积方法;随后对线性代数方程组求...
Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow - Patankar
They reported that in low flow rate, nanofluid working fluid has better performance compared to using pure water. Lee and Mudawar [22] used experimentally Al2O3 nanofluid with water as base fluid with small concentration in microchannel. They observed higher heat transfer coefficients in the ...
Three dimensional numerical simulations are performed on laminar heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of a flat-plate channel with longitudinal vortex generators (LVGs). The effects of two different shaped LVGs, rectangular winglet pair (RWP) and delta winglet pair (DWP) with two different ...