The data type forbinary floating point numbers,f, has avalue rangeof 2.2250738585072014E-308 to 1.7976931348623157E+308, positive as well as negative, and the number 0, with an accuracy of at least 15 places. 17 places are represented in ABAP. Integers can be represented exactly up to an ...
A number with the data typepthat has more decimal places than places can raise exceptions when converted to external formats such as data types of the database inOpen SQLor in serializations toasXML. Thebuilt-in typesin ABAP Dictionary mapped to the data typepcannot have more decimal places...
Business requirment经常要求某个ID的值只能包含26个字母和10个数字字符,这就要求ABAP程序能够检查相应变量内容,辨别特殊字符。sap-img上的一个例子提供了这样的功能: REPORT ZCHECK_ALPHA_NUMERIC. * Declare the variable * For Length data: serial_length type i. * For Alpha numeric data: str type string....
ABAP数字类型合法性检查函数NUMERIC_CHECK 通过function module 检查字符串是否为数字并添加前置辅助零 程序代码: DATA:c TYPE c length 3 VALUE ’345′, n TYPE n LENGTH 5, type TYPE dd01v-datatype. CALL FUNCTION ‘NUMERIC_CHECK’ EXPORTING string_in&n......
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I want to check for only numeric value for material i.e. if my material contains only numbers then i want to set indicator to Y. I have written following code in field level routine. DATA: lc_num(12) TYPE c VALUE '0123456789'. DATA: lv_strin...
* For Alpha numeric data: str type string. data: valid_characters type string. * Fill in those valid characters you need to check concatenate ’0123456789′ ‘ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ’ ‘abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz’ into valid_characters. * User Input parameters testchar(10) de 分享13赞 r...
DATA: FLD(8) TYPE N, F_TYPE. DESCRIBE FIELD FLD TYPE F_TYPE. Result: F_TYPE contains the value 'N'. Hope this helps. Award points if this helps. Ramesh. Reply Former Member 2005 Nov 30 1:18 PM 0 Kudos 3,401 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Peggy, Use the ...
you can directly assign datatype c to n. data: w_result type n, loop at itab into wa. (wa-field) = w_result. endloop. Regards, Anirban Reply Former Member 2008 Aug 29 10:07 AM 1 Kudo 705 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hii assign char type value in to variable...
Database error text: "SQL message: Numeric overflow for parameter/column (1) source type DECIMAL, target type DECIMAL, value 'unknown'" 分类:SAP-ABAP 好文要顶关注我收藏该文微信分享 萧静默 粉丝-68关注 -3 +加关注 «ABAP-ICON的一些应用 ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, DATA : v_num TYPE I, v_cnt TYPE i. PARAMETERS : P_num TYPE xxxxxxx. AT SLECTION-SCREEN. v_num = strlen( p_num ). DO v_num TIMES. v_cnt = v_cnt + 1. IF p_num+0(v_cnt) CA '0123456789' Number found. ENDIF. ENDDO. Don't forge...