In fact, any whole number can be used as a numerator (or denominator). However, there is one special case where the numerator cannot be zero and that is when you are dealing with an improper fraction. An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator is larger than (or equal to) ...
Numerator | Definition & Examples Denominator: Definition & Concept Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators Greater Than, Less Than, and Equal to One Fractions Reducing Fractions: Rules & Practice How to Add Fractions: Lesson for Kids Understanding Fractions with Equipartitioning How to Simplify Fra...
If the numerator is equal to 0, then the entire fraction becomes zero irrespective of the denominator’s value. For example, 0⁄50 is 0, 0⁄3 is 0, and so on. If the numerator’s value is equal to the denominator, then the fraction’s value will be equal to 1. For example, ...
Definition of numerator noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionarynumerator noun /ˈnjuːməreɪtə(r)/ /ˈnuːməreɪtər/ (mathematics) the number above the line in a fraction, for example 3 in the fraction ¾ compare denominatorTopics Maths and measurementc2...
Here's the simple definition you're probably looking for: The numerator is the top part of a fraction, and the denominator is the bottom part of a fraction. There are plenty of more complicated ways to define a fraction and its numerator and denominator. Remember that a fraction represents ...
1.(Mathematics)mathsthe dividend of a fraction:the numerator of is 7. Comparedenominator 2.a person or thing that numbers; enumerator Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 20...
Mathematics[Arith.]the term of a fraction, usually above the line, that indicates the number of equal parts that are to be added together; the dividend placed over a divisor:The numerator of the fraction2⁄3is 2. Cf.denominator(def. 1). ...
(Definition ofnumeratorfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) Examplesofnumerator numerator These were completed manually, or more often, by using the reporting module of the practice clinical system to provide denominator andnumeratordata. From theCambridge English ...
Two important parts of a fraction are known as the numerator and the denominator. Discover what each part means, where to find it in a fraction,...
Illustrated definition of Numerator: The top number in a fraction. Shows how many parts we have. (The bottom number is the Denominator and shows...