(外文电子版资料)Tolkien, J R R - Unfinished Tales of Middle-Earth and Numenor.doc,CONTENTS INTRODUCTION page 1 PART ONE: THE FIRST AGE I OF TUOR AND HIS COMING TO GONDOLIN 19 Notes 54 II NARN I H?N HúRIN 61 The Childhood of Túrin 61; The Words of Hú
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In theGreat Sea, betweenMiddle-earthandAman Origins Created by theValaras a reward for theEdainwho had fought againstMorgothduring theFirst Age Race Men Division Dúnedain Culture Númenóreans Family Ruled by theHouse of Elros Settlements The royal city wasArmenelos, with other important towns and...
A name in Middle-earth for the Two Kingdoms of the Exiles of Númenor: Arnor the North-kingdom and Gondor the South-kingdom. Though there had been...