nu·menˈnü-mən ˈnyü- pluralnuminaˈnü-mə-nə ˈnyü- :a spiritual force or influence often identified with a natural object, phenomenon, or place Did you know? How didnumen,a Latin term meaning "nod of the head," come to be associated with spiritual power? The ...
From Project Gutenberg The word thus gradually lost its original meaning; the nameless local genii became an expression for the universality of the divinum numen and were sometimes identified with the higher gods. From Project Gutenberg Discover More Related Words ability accomplishment endowmentWord of...
in the numen. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books Hal Duncan 2009 Related Words Log in or sign up to add your own related words. hypernyms (2) Words that are more generic or abstract disembodied spirit spirit variants (1) Variants numina cross-references (2) Cross-references numinal numinous ...
monas (redirected fromMonumen Nasional) Thesaurus Wikipedia monas (ˈmɒnæs; ˈməʊ-) n,plmonades(ˈmɒnəˌdiːz) 1.(Philosophy) another word formonad1,monad2 2.(Animals) another word formonad1,monad2 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition...
“reading”. The MT programs used grammars and rulesets built by human linguists. The results, in the case of go, were programs which played at the amateur sub-dan level (meaning the top 10% of all players). The results, in the case of MT, were programs which could at best produce ...
Dr. Reuben says that the numen are anomalies at best or puppets at worse meaning that the autophage could be supernatural or otherworldly in nature. This is later proven in theSoLADLC where they the reveal that the countdown isn't a timer -it's a meter, and something is getting close....
Wang Zijin has already cited the entry on “external funeral” in the Da Tang kaiyuan li 大唐開元禮 juan 150 to elucidate its meaning. See Wang Zijin, Shuihudi Qin jian “rishu”, 462. 41 See the “Beng hong” 崩薨 chapter of the Bai hu tong yi 白虎通義, and He Xiu’s 何休 (...
This rewriting is entirely a matter of wording, and never alters meaning or introduces unauthentic elements. The latest scheme, the text primarily followed, is entitled The Shadow of the Shadow: the Tale of the Mariners Wife; and the Tale of the Queen Shepherdess. The manuscript ends abruptly...
Meaning Númenormeans 'land in the west' Other names The three Queens who ruledNúmenorin their own right were known asRuling Queens of Númenor Title of Almarian,Erendis,Inzilbêth,Tar-Ancalimë,Tar-Míriel,Tar-Telperiën,Tar-Vanimeldë, and eighteen2other unnamed Queens ...
分享「numen」 ‘引用’ AI-生成翻譯。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning of numen 移除廣告 廣告 想要移除廣告嗎?登入查看更少的廣告並成為會員以移除所有廣告。 熱門詞彙 1.scrum 3.sandwich 5.integrity 6.trump 8.exception 9.paradise numen 附近的字典...