The compression can cause tingling and numbness in parts of the hands. 腕管综合症又称为迟发性正中神 经麻痹 ,属 于"累积性创伤失调"症,是指人体的正中神经进入手掌部的经络中,受到压迫后产生的食指、中指疼痛、 麻木 和拇 指肌肉无力感等症侯。 Hand warmer-Hold on hand...
After hours of typing on the computer, Jane felt a numbing pain in her fingers. The repetitive task had made her hands go numb, and she had to take a break. She decided to walk around and stretch her fingers, hoping to relieve the numbness. 中文翻译: 在电脑前连续打字数小时后,简感到手...
then you can try out different techniques to see how you can improve your time. You can do long swipes up and down across the screen. You can do fast smaller pinches, but my all time favorite is using two fingers and kind of walking on the screen and swiping with both the index and ...