3. Practice: • Pair Activity: Students practice counting with a partner. • Game: “Number Bingo” to reinforce listening and recognition. 4. Summary: • Review all numbers 1–10 with flashcards and finger counting. 5. Homework: • Practice writing the numbers 1–10 and saying them...
Each group will get a set of flashcards with different numbers of objects. You need to ask each other "How many...?" and answer the questions. Remember to use the correct sentence structure.- (学生在小组内进行互动,教师巡回指导并提供帮助)7. 角色扮演- Great job, everyone! Now, let's ...
Make learning fun! Associate numbers with objects, like one apple, two shoes, or three fingers. Think of rhymes or songs that use numbers. The more you engage your senses and imagination, the easier it will be to remember. So, keep at it, and before you know it, ...
Iwillpresentnewnumbersfrom11to20usingflashcardsandrealobjects.Forexample,Iwillshow12applesandsay,"Thisistwelve."Then,Iwillaskthestudentstorepeatafterme. -**GroupPractice**(10minutes) Studentswillbedividedintosmallgroups.Eachgroupwillreceiveasetofflashcardswithnumbers.Theywilltaketurnstoshowthecardsandsaythe...
Kuvaus Your tiny tot's easy guide to learning Numbers. This application uses interactive flashcards and games to help your kids and toddlers learn numbers using bright and colorful real life objects and images. This app is interactive and so simple to operate that your kids can use it without...
with Auntie Nats 10 Q KG 5 Identifying numbers 1-10 10 Q KG - 2nd 200 Numbers 0-10 5 Q KG 2 Numbers: 0-10 Objects-to-Number 11 Q KG 135 Number Names 0 to 10 11 Q KG - 1st 740 spanish numbers 0-10 11 Q KG - PD 26Load More Explore Flashcards by Subject Geometry Algebra ...
(1)Game:NumberFlashcards Theteachershowstheflashcardsofthenumbersfromonetotenquicklyonebyone.Thestudentsneedtosaythenumbersasfastastheycanwhentheyseethecards.Forexample,whentheteachershowsthecardwiththenumber“three”,thestudentssay“three”loudly.
4.Real objects for counting and adding, such as blocks, pencils, etc. 5.Songs and rhymes on numbers. Procedures: 1.Warm-up: Sing the song "Ten Little Indians" with the students. This will help them review the numbers from 1 to 10. 2.Introduction: Show the number flashcards to the ...
(0-10) 11 Q KG - 1st 15 Numbers 0-10 11 Q KG - 1st 10 Numbers: 0-10 Objects-to-Number 11 Q KG 134 Numbers 0-10 11 Q KG - 9th 170 Arabic numbers 0-10 10 Q 9th - 12th 275 Spanish Numbers 0-10 25 Q 9th 179 Numbers 0-10 11 Q 9th 5Load More Explore Flashcards by ...
Cardinal numbers describe the size of a collection of objects; two such collections have the same (cardinal) number of objects if their members can be matched in a one-to-one correspondence. Ordinal numbers refer to position relative to an ordering, as first, second, third, etc. The finite...