A number to word converter is tool that converts numbers in word format. Usually we write numbers in digit but sometimes we need to write down the numbers in words also to cross check the number and increase readability of number. When we write a cheque we have to write down the amount...
rupees words indian currency neha-soni •1.0.6•6 years ago•0dependents•ISCpublished version1.0.6,6 years ago0dependentslicensed under $ISC 1,320 excel-date-to-js Convert Excel date in integer format into JS date. Dates are stored as numbers in Excel and count the number of days...
Grand Total In Words=Ten thousand rupees only Is their any Vue Filter or any way to do that ? @PARTABSAIFZAKIR- From Terminal: npm install number-to-words bootstrap.js ...try{window.Popper =require('popper.js').default;window.$ =window.jQuery =require('jquery');window.converter =requi...