This page contains a list of Japanese numbers - both cardinal and ordinal - and how to use them. The numbers below are written in English, Japanese pronunciation and Kanji. Japanese numbers are an important part of the Japanese language, and learning them is essential for anyone interested in ...
日文 數字 Numbers in Japanese日文數數字的系統基本上跟中文一樣,學懂了1(ichi) 至10 (jyuu),自然便會拼到11至99,例如11便是10+1,(jyuu ichi),但是讀電話號碼的時候,要注意音調會有所變化,每兩個數字一組,兩個的中間就是一個高音的位置,讀起上來才夠地道。
Grammar detail: Japanese numbers and counting Japanese numbers and counting Tweet 334 words My current mastery of this grammar point: LOG IN to view grammar mastery data My mastery summary one to ten 1 一 いち 2 二 に 3 三 さん 4 四 し/よん 5 五 ご 6 六 ろく 7 七 しち/...
Japanese Numbers Posted by Ginny on Mar 12, 2009 in Uncategorized We’re going to learn how to count today! Here’s a run through of the numbers 0 -10: 0– ree (れい) or zero (ゼロ) 1– ichi (いち) 2– ni (に) 3– san (さん) 4– yon (よん) or shi (し) or yo (...
Before going further, please take some time to look at the section on Japanese numbers, where you will learn how to read and count Japanese numbers. Tables on numbers from 0 to 1,000,000,000,000 are also given. Besides, there are other related topics on numbers in Japanese like:...
The Japanese language is a big part of world culture. A large number of people around the world are interested in it. Sometimes it seems that it is rather diffi…
The kanji "四十六" translates to "46" in numerical form. In Japanese, the kanji "四" represents the number "4," and "十" represents the number "10." Therefore, when combined, they form "40." Adding the kanji "六," which represents the number "6," we get the final number "46."...
These are special forms of the Native Japanese numbers used to count people. 一人 二人 三人 四人 五人 六人 七人 八人 九人 十人 hitori futari sannin yonin gonin rokunin shichinin hachinin kyūnin jūnin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
n Japanese Language Learn How To Count Numbers In Japanese LanguageLearn How To Count Numbers In Japanese LanguageTakanori Tomita
Goroawase: Japanese Numbers Wordplay (Tofugu) Japanese wordplay (Wikipedia) Goroawase Number (TV Tropes) Trying to translate foreign jokes and wordplay is always difficult, and trying to explain how they work can be even harder. Even so, I hope this explanation of goro awase makes some sense,...