Tamil numbers from zero to a trillion with the numerals, the numbers written out in the Tamil alphabet and transliterated. For numbers from 100,000 there are two systems: the Tamil system (TS), and the Sanskrit system (SS), which counts in 100,000s (lakhs), which is written 1,00,000...
How to count in Munsee, an Eastern Algonquian language spoken on the Moraviantown Reserve in Ontario, Canada. Powhatan (Kikitowämank) How to count in Powhatan, an Eastern Algonquian language that was spoken in Virgina and Maryland in the USA until the 1790s, and which is being revived....
collected (at various levels of time depth), as well as ancient languages important in reconstruction (e.g. Latin, Sanskrit, Classical Tibetan). In addition, where I don't have a proto-language for an important language family, I've sometimes included a modern language just for completeness'...
It has been defined as a number which can be divided exactly by the sum of its digit and Harshad comes from Sanskrit language which means "great joy." The article stated that the most interesting Harshad Numbers are those not ending with one or more zeros. The biggest last Harshad ...
the first column giving one transliteration of the system used in the Sanskrit language, and the second column giving the names of large numbers in use in India today (with an alternate transliteration, found in the Wikipedia article on the Indian numbering system, in parentheses). ...
The Vedas are written in Sanskrit, the cultural language of India, and are said to cover every aspect of knowledge, including grammar, architecture, ethics, astronomy, and mathematics. Vedic mathematics has its roots in the Vedas and was ...
Monier-Williams Sanskrit Dictionary Nişanyan’s Turkish Etymological Dictionary The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary An ka taa (resources and lessons for Bambara, Dioula, Malinké, and Mandinka) Movies listed by language at IMDB Languages online Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction Speculative Gram...
Revelation: There four angels standing at the four corners of the Earth, holding back the four winds of the earth (Rev 7:1). The great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language (four-fold description) - Rev 5:9 11:9 13:7 14:6 the four-fold description indicates that ...
Sanskrit, sonic, code, sound, vibration, dodecahedron, icosahedron, tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, shape, pentagon, heart, fractal, fractality, etheric, meditation, ascension, multi-dimensional, dimensions, sacred cut, fourth dimension, sphere, spherical packing, kissing number, sacred cut, Parthenon,...
He is an MA in Sanskrit and English, believes that religion or faith cannot be an obstacle when it comes to education or learning a language.