How to count in Japanese (100 to 900) Let’s look at even larger numbers. 300, 600, and 800 are read slightly differently. NumberHiraganaKatakanaKanjiRomaji 100 ひゃく ヒャク 百 hyaku 200 にひゃく ニヒャク 二百 nihyaku 300 さんびゃく サンビャク 三百 sanbyaku 400 よんひゃく ヨン...
Are Chinese and Japanese Numbers the same? This article might surprise you. We focus on Chinese Numbers vs Japanese Numbers and debunk some myths.
One of the most important things to learn when studying a new language is the vocabulary for how to count. Being able to discuss quantities is a great skill to acquire on your journey to learn Japanese. In Japanese, depending on what it is you are trying to count, there are different me...
Japanese Lucky Numbers The number 7 is considered an extremely lucky number and this is deep-rooted in the culture. From national holidays like 七夕 (Tanabata, Evening of the 7th, on July 7th), to the celebration of life 7 days after birth, it pops up often. ...