How to count in Griko, a variety of Italiot Greek spoken in Apulia and Calabria in southern Italy.
TheGreek symbol for + (plus)is called “syn” (σύν) and is pronounced as “seen” in Greek. So, the number +10 would be “syn deka”. If you want to add two numbers, for example 2+2, then you must say “deeo seen deeo” –δύο συνδύο. TheGreek sign of ...
Numbers in Greek languageMore By This Developer Learn English course: Verbs Education Learn English Course: Articles Education English Grammar:Verbs & tenses Education English Grammar:Learn Articles Education Learn English course: Pronouns Education ...
Ancient Hebrew, like ancient Greek, used letters to represent numbers; and Jewish tradition took advantage of this for rhetorical purposes by using the fact that every word had a numerical value to connect words that happened to be equivalents. So, for example, the fact that the word chai (...
How to count in Pontic Greek, a variety of Greek spoken in mainly in northern Greece in East, Central and West Macedonia, and also in Attica.
Rubincam 2003 = C. Rubincam, "Numbers in Greek poetry and historiography: Quantifying Fehling", CQ 53 (2003) 448-463)Rubincam, C. 2003. "Numbers in Greek Poetry and Historiography: Quantifying Fehling." CQ 53: 448-63.Numbers in Greek Poetry and Historiography: Qualifying Fehling," CQ n....
Master counting in Greek with our fun and interactive learning app. Every time you want to learn a new language, you think about where to start. First, you need to learn the basics of the language. Numbers are one of the foundations of any language. Learning numbers will help you ...
circle. A sphere is the set of points that are all at the same distance r from a given point in three-dimensional space.That given point is the centre of the sphere, and r is the sphere's radius. The earliest known mentions of spheres appear in the work of the ancient Greek ...
Number nine is important in Norse mythology. There are nine worlds. Odin hung nine days in Yggdrasil, Aegir had nine daughters, and Thor took nine steps before falling dead to the ground and so on. In Greek mythology we find the famousnine Muses. ...
If a rational number is still in the form "p/q" it can be a little difficult to use, so I have a special page on how to: Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide Rational NumbersFun Facts ... The ancient greek mathematician Pythagoras believed that all numbers were rational, but one of hi...