Learn about the Book of Numbers in the Bible and its origin. Discover a summary of this book as well as its significance to the overall structure of the Bible. Updated: 02/21/2023 Book of Numbers in the Bible The Book of Numbers is the fourth book in the five books of the Penta...
18:3 他們要守所吩咐你的、並守全帳幕、只是不可挨近聖所的器具、和壇、免得他們和你們都死亡。 18:4 他們要與你聯合、也要看守會幕、辦理帳幕一切的事.只是外人不可挨近你們。 18:5 你們要看守聖所、和壇、免得忿怒再臨到以色列人。 18:6 我已將你們的弟兄利未人、從以色列人中揀選出來歸耶和華、是...
NUMBERS in the BibleOLD TestamentAPOCALYPTIC literature (Jewish literature)One of the most noticeable features of the book of Revelation is the ubiquity of arithmetic in the text. In this article, I survey the arithmetical functions found in the text (not only numbers but functions such as ...
This “lie-detector” test was a very ancient practice in the ancient Near E and attests to the antiquity of the Book of Numbers. The practice appears barbarous to those of the present day, but examination shows that, viewed in the context of the ancient world, the Bible’s application ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Wikipedia Related to Book of Numbers:Book of Deuteronomy ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.Book of Numbers- the fourth book of the Old Testament; contains a record of...
and and shifting foundations.Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to...
The meaning of NUMBERS is the mainly narrative fourth book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture.
15:10 又用酒半欣作奠祭,献给耶和华为馨香的火祭。 15:11 献公牛,公绵羊,绵羊羔,山羊羔,每只都要这样办理。 15:12 照你们所预备的数目,按着只数都要这样办理。 15:13 凡本地人将馨香的火祭献给耶和华,都要这样办理。 15:14 若有外人和你们同居,或有人世世代代住在你们中间,愿意将馨香的火祭献给...
For general information, see the articles on Numbers in encyclopedias and lexicas about the Bible.The Text The biblical text of the book of Numbers has a long history of tradition. Scholars have tried to reconstruct the original text by comparing all manuscripts available, including ancient ...
10:15 统领以萨迦支派军队的是苏押的儿子拿坦业。 10:16 统领西布伦支派军队的是希伦的儿子以利押。 10:17 帐幕拆卸,革顺的子孙和米拉利的子孙就抬着帐幕先往前行。 10:18 按着军队往前行的是流便营的纛。统领军队的是示丢珥的儿子以利蓿。 10:19 统领西缅支派军队的是苏利沙代的儿子示路蔑。 10...