Numbers 1-120 Pocket ChartCarsonDellosa
当当读乐乐图书专营店在线销售正版《Kumon Math Skills My Book of Numbers 1-120 公文式教育 幼儿园4-6岁数学技能练习册 1-120的数数 英语启蒙教辅 儿童英文原版图书》。最新《Kumon Math Skills My Book of Numbers 1-120 公文式教育 幼儿园4-6岁数学技能练习册 1-120的数
1 Count numbers 0 to 10,000 1072020-11 2 Count Numbers 0 to 10 4762020-11 3 Count Numbers 1 to 120 1122020-11 查看更多 猜你喜欢 199 Numb-Metafour by:嘻哈有态度 364 Numb The Pain-C Glizzy by:嘻哈有态度 162 The Best of Count Basie-Count Basie by:小众style 58 AVENUE C-Count Basie...
You can refer to this chart throughout lessons and encourage your students to use it when working with numbers 1 to 120. Teach Starter Publishing We create premium quality, downloadable teaching resources for primary/elementary school teachers that make classrooms buzz!
1.通过数不同物体的个数,逐步抽象出数。会区分几个和第几个。掌握10以内数的组成。会正确、工整地书写数字。 2.认识计数单位“一”和“十”,初步理解个位、十位上的数表示的意义。熟练地数100以内的数,会读、写100以内的数。掌握100以内的数是由几个十和几个一组成的。掌握100以内数的顺序,会比较100以内...
Celebrate Learning Numbers 1-120 Pocket Chart ActivitiesCarsonDellosa Publishing
结果1 题目 Do You Know WhenPassageto Use These Numbers?你知道什么时候用这些号码吗?数字和我们的生活紧密相关,比如常见的110、120、119这些简短易记的公用号码,都是让人们在遇到各种紧急情况时用来拨打求助的,所以要严肃对待,不能随意拨打。There are some public(公共的)numbers Do you know when to use ...
英文儿歌 One to Twenty Numbers Song 数字歌120,原创视频免费在线观看,视频简介:英文儿歌 One to Twenty Numbers Song 数字歌120
1一yīe 2二èrahr 3三sānsahn 4四sìsih 5五wǔwoo 6六liùliow 7七qīchee 8八bābah 9九jiǔjeou 10十shíshih How to count in Chinese from 11 - 99 We promised you that learning the first ten numbers was the hardest part, and we’re not ones to break our promises! Here’s the gre...
1,831 |一千八百三十一 yì qiān bā bǎi sān shí yī So there you go, now you know how to count in Chinese, tell someone your age or phone number, or even how to call emergencies should you ever be in trouble or someone else needs help. ...