We do not have names for the numbers between Googol, Skewer’s Number, Centillion, or Googolplex. Points to Remember To understand what comes after a trillion and all these large numbers, you need to keep a few points in your mind. We have not given any name to the numbe...
(the number of protons in the universe) are class-2. So are most of the numbers with names ending in-illion, likevigintillion(1063),centillion(10303), and on up to the somewhat contrivedmilli-millillion(103000003)(which, by my admittedly arbitrarydecision, is a bit beyond the class-2 ...
Thanks again, I was able to do as you suggested and format some pretty large numbers: https://gist.github.com/mayel/acca08724f4f91c9ed2a6834e174e10d (with this code) I used this code to generate the necessary JSON, but interestingly ran into a Jason parsing error (I removed the entry...
American British trigintillion 93 180 quadragintillion 123 240 quinquagintillion 153 300 sexagintillion 183 360 septuagintillion 213 420 octogintillion 243 480 nonagintillion 273 540 centillion 303 600 and just as one can refer to ten million, or a hundred million, and, in the British sy...
This pattern continues until you get to Ten-duotrigintillion, more commonly known as a Googol (yes, this is where search engine Google got their name from). There are no names for the numbers between Googol, Skewer's Number, Centillion, or Googolplex. ...
Converting a number to words is easy; all you need to do is understand the process to do it with, if you do it right, the same code to convert 3 numbers will also convert a number whose length exceeds the Centillion value (10^303) the googolplex is one such value; 1 Googol = 10 ...
octovigintillion (or vigintoctillion) 1087 nonvigintillion (or vigintinonillion) 1090 trigintillion 1093 untrigintillion 1096 duotrigintillion 1099 googol = ten-duotrigintillion 10100 skewer's number 10130 centillion 10303 googolplex 1010100 Skewes' Number 10101034Important...
You can use this to pipe numbers into it. Examples: $ echo 27^270 | bc | java-jnumbernamer two hundred ninety-three septemviginticentillion nine hundred eleven sesviginticentillion three hundred twenty-six quinquaviginticentillion five hundred forty-five quattuorviginticentillion three hundred ninety...
The day after that it was 24×203×108, or about 2.73×10252, and so forth. In general, the number is 22N×203×102(N+1) where N is the number of days since 17th September 1998. Within days the Lynz blew past the short- and long-scale centillion and millillion; within a week ...
Tg = Trigintillion qg = Quadrigintillion Qg = Quingintillion sg = Segintillion Sg = Sepgintillion Og = Ocgintillion Ng = Nogintillion Ce = Centillion Du = Ducentillion Releases No releases published Packages No packages published