Amount VS Number 词汇 Amount 和 number在使用过程中很多人会混淆. Amount用在形容不可数名词。 Examples are:a large amount of snow(不可数名词), a small amount of money(不可数名词). What is the amount of my bill? 我的单子多少钱? The recipe calls for a small amount of sugar. 这个菜谱需要...
Examples: 'Amount' with Uncountable Nouns Theamountofstresscan be unbearable. Noamountofmoneycan make you happy. A largeamountofwaterleaked into the basement. The nounsstress, money, andwaterareuncountable, which means they cannot be used with quantifiers such as 'number/many/few' etc. ...
Examples of amount in a sentence The amount of sugar in this recipe seems excessive. He has accumulated a considerable amount of wealth over the years. Measure the amount of water needed to fill the pool. How do you use the word number in a sentence? The word number is used when referri...
All of the examples are completely awkward, if not downright wrong. Look at “The amount is less than I thought.” If this was correct, you would be able to rephrase it as “there is a less amount than I thought”. Clearly you are not — the rephrased version should read “there is...
Amount The degree or extent of something. The amount of effort she put into the project was commendable. 2 Number A number is a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label. The original examples are the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth. Amount The total of two or...
Amountvs.Number: Usage Guide Numberis regularly used with count nouns a largenumberof mistakes anynumberof times whileamountis mainly used with mass nouns. annualamountof rainfall a substantialamountof money The use ofamountwith count nouns has been frequently criticized; it usually occurs when the...
Examples Scientists have long noted that just about any event that shifts a large amount of mass from one part of the planet to another will have a tiny—and sometimes measurable—effect on the Earth’s rotation. [Wall Street Journal] ...
More about "Amount Of," "Quantity Of," and "Number Of" Amount Of non-countable nouns I undertook an inordinateamount ofwork. ("Work" is a non-countable noun. It is singular and cannot be measured or counted.) She had a certainamount ofrespect for the sales team, but she always disse...
Amount vs. Number: Usage Guide Number is regularly used with count nouns a large number of mistakes any number of times while amount is mainly used with mass nouns. annual amount of rainfall a substantial amount of money The use of amount with count nouns has been frequently ...