A number to word converter for Indian Rupees is a tool or service that takes a numerical value, typically representing an amount of money, and converts it into its corresponding word representation in the Indian currency. For example, if you have the number "4,000," the converter will trans...
The above number to word converter gives output in Indian number format that is different from International number format. Here you can read number in English words and in Devanagari Hindi words too. How to read number in words ? You can convert and read number in words in 5 different form...
converter indian number system INR international number system comma in numbers kushalst• 1.1.1 • 4 years ago • 0 dependents • MITpublished version 1.1.1, 4 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT 237 any-number-to-words A string based number to word converter that can convert ...
Email Address-NVARCHAR(100). I would highly doubt that you'll run into any e-mail addresses that exceed 100 characters or even threaten anywhere around this vicinity. Althoughaccording to this articlethe maximum size for an e-mail address can range up to between 254-360 characters, so it's...