其次,locale的意思就是本地,也就是转换为本地环境字符串。如果是全球范围内使用的话,则tolocaleString()之间会有很大区别。所以这种情况推荐使用toString()。 2、各个对象 2.1 Array数组 :返回数组本身 :把数组转换为字符串,并返回结果,每一项以逗号分割。 toLocalString():把数组转换为本地数组,并返回结果 2.2 B...
Number.prototype.toLocalString() js 地址链接:https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/toLocaleString 语法 numObj.toLocaleString( [locales [, options]]) 参数 查阅浏览器兼容性部分,了解哪些浏览器支持locales和options参数,通过示例: 检查locales和options参数的支...
[Microsoft.JScript.JSFunction(Microsoft.JScript.JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, Microsoft.JScript.JSBuiltin.Number_toLocaleString)]publicstaticstringtoLocaleString(objectthisob); 參數 thisob Object 這個方法執行位置的物件。 傳回 String thisob的字串表示。
[Microsoft.JScript.JSFunction(Microsoft.JScript.JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, Microsoft.JScript.JSBuiltin.Number_toLocaleString)] public static string toLocaleString (object thisob); 參數 thisob Object 這個方法執行位置的物件。 傳回 String thisob 的字串表示。 屬性 JSFunctionAttribute 適用於...
Once you have the local string you could use the string replace() function with a regex to insert the period thousands separators: $.locale = "de" - 10897110
The formatting type for the given locale, or FORMAT_UNKNOWN if the formatting rules are not known for the given locale Attributes RegisterAttribute ObsoleteAttribute Remarks Returns the phone number formatting type for the given locale. This member is deprecated. Use link #formatNumber(String phone...
locale string <optional> specifies a locale to be used by this converter instance. If this option is not provided, the converter will be calling Config.getLocale() to determine the current JET page locale. maximumFractionDigits number <optional> follows the same rules as 'minimumFractionDigits...
Returns a localized description of this number. C# コピー [Foundation.Export("descriptionWithLocale:")] public virtual string DescriptionWithLocale (Foundation.NSLocale locale); Parameters locale NSLocale Returns String Attributes ExportAttribute Applies to 製品バージョン Xamarin iOS SDK 12 こ...
locale: a String value with the language tag of the locale whose localization is used for formatting. style: a String value. One of the allowed values - "decimal", "currency" or "percent". currency: a String value. an ISO 4217 alphabetic currency code. May be present only when style is...
String getCurrencySymbol() Return the currency symbol used by getAsString() with a type of currency. Locale getLocale() Return the Locale to be used when parsing numbers. int getMaxFractionDigits() Return the maximum number of digits getAsString() should render in the fraction portion ...