The number represented by X in Roman numerals is ten. Number A concept utilized in counting or measuring. The number of students in the class increased this year. Number An entity that exists without physical form. The number of planets in our solar system is eight. Common Curiosities What'...
But there is no zero in Roman numerals. Today, few people use them because they are difficult to write and count. But we can still see them on some watches and clocks.Today, most people use the Arabic numerals. They are easy to remember and write. They help people...
Numeral是代表(represent)数量概念的符号,有不同的书写体系(writing system),例如罗马数字(Roman numerals)【numeral XVII 代表17】和印度阿拉伯数字(Hind-Arabic numerals)【即阿拉伯数字】。简单说,numeral就是把number写出来的⽅法。例如,三的抽象数量概念(threeness)可以具体表达为‘three’、‘3’、‘...
At the top of the smudged picture, Meredith could just make out the number eleven in roman numerals. En la parte superior de la imagen, que no estaba muy bien impresa, Meredith acertó a ver un once en números romanos. Literature Lynch marched over to number eleven. —Lynch march...
Numeral是代表(represent)数量概念的符号,有不同的书写体系(writing system),例如罗马数字(Roman numerals)【numeral XVII代表17】和印度阿拉伯数字(Hind-Arabic numerals)【即阿拉伯数字】。简单说,numeral就是把number写出来的方法。例如,三的抽象数量概念(threeness)可以具体表达为‘three’、‘3’、‘III’、‘11’...
4. the particular numeral assigned to an object to designate its place in a series: a house number; a license number. 5. one of a series of things distinguished by or marked with numerals. 6. a certain collection or quantity not precisely reckoned, but considerable: a number of times....
large indefinite amount,large indefinite quantity- an indefinite quantity that is above the average in size or magnitude Adj.1. million- (in Roman numerals, M written with a macron over it) denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000,000 items or units ...
Thenumberfourwas written inromannumerals,theletters"I"and"V. "However,mosthistorianssaythatexplanationisincorrect. 这个数字四是写在罗马数字,英文字母“I”和“五”然而,大多数历史学家认为这个解释是不正确的。 5. On the 25thanniversaryoftheexplosionofthenumberfourreactoratChernobyl,the exc...
+1038NUMERation has certainly been made easy for us with the Arabic NUMERals and the Hebrew base of ten.1. Numberless : NUMBER less (num’ ber les) adj.Without number; as, numberless stars2. Numeral : NUMBER al (nume’ e ral) adj.Relating to a number; as, numeral adjective3. Numeral...