1.9万 61 01:11 App Numberblocks band Seven times 1.7万 15 05:00 App S07E10 We_Need_Another_Hero 5.4万 6 00:38 App 数字方块变成胖子 数字块胖歌 Numberblocks Fat Song 2.0万 3 01:57 App Grid Unlocked Series 7 Learn Times Tables Learn to Count Numberblocks 8.7万 78 04:06 App 数...
Time to Tidy Up Song Number Rock Counting By 5s 【英文慢速启蒙儿歌】The Phonetic Alphabet Song The Numbers Song 【英文慢速启蒙儿歌】English Months of the Year Song Shape Song The Week Song Counting By 11s Song The 8 Song Samba Prime Numbers Song Count by 16 Skip Counting In 15s If you ...
所属专辑:Numberblocks第五季带字幕 音频列表 1 Numberblocks_Series_5_-_04._Whats_My_Number_m000t2pb_original 134 2024-04 2 Numberblocks_Series_5_-_05._Fun_Times_One_Times_Table_m000t2r8_original 192 2024-04 3 Numberblocks_Series_5_-_100_Ways_to_Leave_the_Planet_m000xbgd_original ...
fly cotton fly geyser black rock fly like a butterfly fly rope fly schedule fly swatter kick a gu fly swot fly the ocean in a si fly-shunting fly-wheel diode flyandsky flyashsintered flyback circuit flybackpowersupply flybackwaveform flyball pitcher flyblown flycatcher culicicapa flycatchers...
134 Old Times' Sake-Nonemis by:小众style 6万 Cricket in Times Square by:旅行中的小海鱼 58 Floral Times-梁晓雪 by:流行风ING 134 E Los Angeles Times by:嘻哈有态度 5000 Hard Times(艰难时世) by:WEL趣味技术百科 2147 艰难时世 Hard Times by:iGlobalist 2.5万 Good Economics for Hard Times by...
[64]. They used the CGH array and detected 12 CNVs in broiler and layer genomes, compared with the Red Jungle Fowl. Two of these 12 CNVs overlapped with our results (Additional file 4: Table S4). Wang et al. detected 96 CNVs in three chicken lines (Cornish Rock broiler, Leghorn, and...
“Fractal USA,” is a remake of a song from the early days, when the “band” was Brett Sova’s solo project, to full-on, no your pants aren’t tight enough rock band. They just needed you to know about the evolution, you see, so go ahead, do some scissor kicks and gurn ...
But to do so, you must ensure that clear communication channels exist, such as designated meeting times or regular updates from department heads. Additionally, it’s important to encourage employees to communicate openly and frequently. Creating an environment where open communication is valued will ...
(12) where 𝑐𝜃𝑡cθt is the constant, Re𝜃𝑡Reθt is the momentum thickness Reynolds number based on the incoming flow, and Rẽ𝜃𝑡Re˜θt is the local momentum thickness Reynolds number. 𝐹𝜃𝑡Fθt is 1 inside the boundary layer and 0 outside the boundary laye...
Illustration of the flame shapes for various 𝜃θ, based on the isolines of the normalized reaction rate 𝑤 w¯ at the critical condition for 𝜃=4,8,12θ=4,8,12 and 𝐿𝑒=0.4Le=0.4 at 𝑅=60𝛿𝐿R=60δL. Table 1. Thermochemical, transport, and setup parameters of numeric...