Gerald Ridenour, an Aviation Cadet in the U.S. Army Air Force, died in World War II. He was just shy of his 21st birthday. When my mom showed me his grave at Highland Cemetery in Perry County, Ohio, I knew I had to find out more about him. ...
Then you have that loud mouth, Bill Maher, who apparently thinks any shocking comment he says is worthy of a Pullitzer. The fact he can make negative comments regarding World War II veterans that would have any politician fired adds to your stupidity. This moron should be fired for calling...
Microsoft is the world’s largest software company:But seems to be one of the worst customer service.I surprised.Am I correct? Very sad. Still my question is unanswered. Frustrated customer, –Haris Mapa Reply Haris Mapa says: October 2, 2014 at 3:16 pm If you go to ‘E mail us’...