He was a man of unusual breadth who had studied oriental philology and history, became ‘disillusioned with these disciplines’ in the words of Burke (1966) and turned to medicine, and finally from that to chemistry. It was Mitscherlich who discovered, first, the phenomenon of isomorphism and,...
1.an element used in medicine and photography, forming black crystals.yodo 2.a liquid form of the element used as an antiseptic.yodo Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. io·dine n.iodo, yodo. 1.elemento no metálico que pertenece al grupo halógeno usado...
i.e., the errors due to (i), (ii) and (iii), and to establish upper bounds for the order of convergence of the COS method. We confirm, both theoretically and empirically, that the COS method indeed converges exponentially for smooth density functions if, in addition, the...
(e.g., always say number words in the right order; count each object once and only once), and the cardinality principle (also called the cardinal principle), which says that the final word of a count tells you the number of items in the set that was counted (Gelman & Gallistel, ...
A programmatic estimator of the average stock price would then be as shown in Listing 37-1. The goal of the random runs is to produce an approximation to the behavior of the historical market and use the results to judge the probability of making a profit. This is similar to t...
J.M.S. Wason, Reducing the average number of patients needed in a phase II trial through novel design, Clin. Res. Regul. Affairs 30 (4) (2013) 47-54.Wason JM. Reducing the average number of patients needed in a phase II trial through novel design. Clinical Research and Regulatory ...
Here we overcome these difficulties by developing a novel machine- learning algorithm that identifies a small number of FCs that separates ASD versus TD. The classifier achieves high accuracy for a Japanese discovery cohort and demonstrates a remarkable degree of generalization for two independent ...
Reading Notes of The Number Sense1. The essence of symbolic knowledge.A symbol, beyond its arbitrary shape, refers to a covert meaning. Symbol comprehension implies accessing this meaning from shape alone, while symbol production requires recovering the arbitrary shape from knowledge of the intended ...
We tested number writing and arithmetic in 177 German-speaking and 309 English-speaking Year 1 children. In English number words the order of tens and units (e.g., twenty-five) follows the written order of the Arabic digits (e.g., 25), whereas German number words are inverted (e.g.,...
…when there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms. Politics and the English Language The purpose of “Politics and the English Language,” it is said, is to inform people of how language used in ‘...