The introduction of the displacements of nodal points of a structural system as unknowns in the displacement method yields matrix equations of a very great size. The various methods recently introduced in reducing the number of unknowns are discussed in this paper with special reference to ...
Incremental unknowns and graph techniques with in-depth refinement Summary: The condition number of the incremental unknowns matrix associated to the Laplace operator is $O(1/h^2_0) O((\\log h)^2)$, where $h_0$ is the mesh... F Tone - 《International Journal of Numerical Analysis &...
Replacing <, W(α) and W(β) by ∈, α and β, respectively, in (1.1) we see that if we take each ordinal to be the set of all smaller ordinals then each ordinal is a transitive set. Carrying out the same replacements also in the first half of (1.2) we see that our new ord...
Define Cubic number. Cubic number synonyms, Cubic number pronunciation, Cubic number translation, English dictionary definition of Cubic number. a number produced by multiplying a number into itself, and that product again by the same number. See Cube. S
return in glory return intact what on return of capital roc return of the dawn return of the living return of the lucky s return on assets roa return on gross asset return on tangible as return sheave return spirit return sth to its rig return system return this index return to an argum...
I am trying to make a function which is to find a certain number, or numbers above a threshold number, in a given matrix of unknown size. Preferably without any other function then if,else,while,for. functionsearch = searchMatrix(matrix) ...
increase the total number of degrees of freedom (i.e., total number of unknowns) or the dimension of the general coefficient matrix. This reduces computational effort and enhances the efficiency of the program. Based on the small strain theory, changes in displacements, ΔU*, (the c[...
Using a generic normal form, we demonstrate that the unstable periodic orbit generated by a subcritical Hopf bifurcation, which has a single real unstable Floquet multiplier, can in fact be stabilized. We derive explicit analytical conditions for the control matrix in terms of the amplitude and ...
emission, has been shown not to be due to any ITE emitter of unknown nature, as previously assumed, but to an IVCT emission in which an electron is transferred from 5d(eg) orbitals of Ce3+ to 4f orbitals of a Ce4+ ion lying in its neighborhoods [60...
Deneutrosophy is the process where neutrosophic scales/numbers are converted to crisp values by applying score functions of s(aij) as illustrated in Eq. (2.3) [22]. (2.3)saij=|lrij×mrij×urijTrij+Irij+Frij9| 2.5.2 Single-valued neutrosophic set A single-valued neutrosophic set (SVN...