可以看到interval时长小于job的执行时长时,会触发这个错误maximum number of running instances reached 解决办法有两个,1、修改add_job接口的interval时长,使之大于job的执行时长 2、add_job接口加个参数,比如 max_instances=20,调大允许的并发个数
example, the apscheduler info display my task will run at 6:00, but when the time is 7:00, my task not run, log will have this warn, But my program is still running, just not scheduled downloads Owner agronholm commented Nov 6, 2020 Are you saying it's still complaining about ma...
MessageId: DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDNUMBEROFPARAMSPLURALPLURAL MessageText: The function "%1!s!" requires %2!d! parameters, not %3!d! parameters. The function name was recognized, but the number of parameters is not valid.
MessageId: DTS_E_INCORRECTEXACTNUMBEROFOUTPUTS MessageText: The number of outputs is incorrect. There must be exactly %1!d! output(s). C# 複製 public const int DTS_E_INCORRECTEXACTNUMBEROFOUTPUTS = -1071636456; Field Value Value = -1071636456 Int32 Applies to 產品版本 SQL...
item, when the atomic is updated but the lock not yet released, the pop behaves like a spin_lock. My guess is that it results in the typical spin_lock issue where the thread holding the lock is not running because the system scheduler is running computation intensive spinner threads instead...
For example, you can produce an Accounting report that shows all threads summarized for every individual plan. Traces show individual DB2 events, for example, for a particular thread. Depending on the report set that you request, these could include thread terminations, grants of privileges, ...
Thank you, that was v helpful, it seems that SSIS had locked some tables after on of the packages crashed. which maybe the reason for the -2 spids. killed all related process to -2 and hey presto db is now working fine. Thursday, August 23, 2012 10:57 AM If we get negative SPID...
2) Currently once a work item finishes its execution of a kernel, it quits the pipeline. I was wondering if we can implement a thread-pool model like the case in the CPU-based programming model, where we pre-creates N threads and once new data arrives, they...
2) Currently once a work item finishes its execution of a kernel, it quits the pipeline. I was wondering if we can implement a thread-pool model like the case in the CPU-based programming model, where we pre-creates N threads and once new data arrives, they...