University of California system admits fewer Asians at a number of campuses The College Fix Breaking Campus News. Launching Media Careers. DonateSubscribe Higher EducationRacial issues College Fix StaffJuly 28, 2021
We focus on solving the multiple alarm location problem of Clemson University's campus with an integer program to determine the optimal number of siren speakers and their locations. Also, we compare the cost of mounting three different kinds of speakers and find the optimal combination, in term ...
"School-based interventions can be used to address this public health crisis, and effective approaches such as Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports and services should be used in support of students' mental health and academic and behavioral needs." More information:Luke J. Rapa et al, School Shooti...
It was orientation weekend, so I did see the bartender turn quite a few people away, who were at wandering in, likely because they thought it was a chocolate shop, or just students who were too young. I consider being carded as a rite of passage, and I certainly went thro...
heInamoriSchoolofEngineeringispleasedtowelcomeDr. PingLitoourengineeringfacultyasavisitingprofessor inelectricalengineeringforthe2008-2009academicyear.Dr. Li,professorofopticalscienceandengineeringatShandong University,ShandongProvince,PeoplesRepublicofChina,isa ...
“These students embody the future of financial planning and, through their studies, have shown great dedication to the profession,” said Kate Healy, managing director of Generation Next at TD Ameritrade Institutional. “Our industry is facing a significant talent shortage. Through the scholarship ...
Further a review on some of the studies performed in linear stabil- ity analysis of flow instabilities to determine the most unstable wavelengths is presented.Neelakantan PadmanabhanClemson UniversityClemson