Financial institution factors influencing loan default by SMEs in kitui central sub-county A recent Central bank of Kenya (CBK) survey shows these SMEs topped the list of biggest loan defaulters in the first quarter of 2015. The objective of this study is to assess financial factors influencing...
Food Security in Asia and the Pacific amid the COVID-19 Pandemic; Asian Development Bank: Mandaluyong, Philippines, 2020; Volume 6. [Google Scholar] Hewa Wellalage, N.; Locke, S.; Samujh, H. Firm Bribery and Credit Access: Evidence from Indian SMEs. Small Bus. Econ. 2020, 55, 283–...
Lastly, it helps Filipino SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises) stay close in the market alongside other bigger local and international brands. Providore is a fine blend of American and locally-loved culinary flavors and tastes serving myriad of American (and other International cuisine) and...