47 Double square moments and bounds for resonance sums for cusp forms 19:30 Geodesic restrictions of Maass forms and moments of Hecke L-functions 57:17 Twisted first moment of GL(3)×GL(2) 23:49 Quantum variance for automorphic forms 23:13 PATKÓS BALÁZS_ INDUCED AND NON-INDUCED POSET...
摘要: [For part I see the preceding review.] - The fully computerized method was applied to derive the algebraic formula for the number of Kekulé structures of Rj(5,n), the 9-tier oblate rectangular benzenoid. The result is a polynomial of 13-th degree in n....
One of the quantities, usually discrete with integer or half-integer values, needed to characterize a quantum state of a physical system; they are usually eigenvalues of quantum-mechanical operators or integers sequentially assigned to these eigenvalues. ...
An ordinal number is defined as a term like 'first', 'second', 'third', etc., used to indicate the position of an element in a sequence, such as "the first stop" or "the third attempt". AI generated definition based on: Writing Effective Business Rules, 2012 ...
Benzene and its derivatives had long been referred to as aromatic because of their distinctive odors. The structure for benzene is often shown as a hybrid of the two Kekulé formulas: (1) The double-headed "resonance arrow" does not signify an equilibrium in which the two structures are very...
Hydrogen bonding is that the interaction involving a atom placed between a combine of alternative atoms having a high affinity for electrons; such a bond is weaker than an bond or bond however stronger than van der Waals forces. element bonds will exist between atoms in numerous molecule...
Draw the Lewis structure for the molecule below. Include major resonance forms with formal charges. Identify the VSEPR notation, shape, and hybridization of the central atom. State if the molecule is polar or not polar. SO_2 Draw the...
17. The concept of multifractality (MF), which describes intertwined sets of fractals18,19,20, was first introduced in order to analyze multi-scale energy dissipation in turbulent fluids20and broadened our understanding of complex structures that appear in various fields of science and engineering...
The friction factors are determined by formulae similar to equations (6) and (38) respectively, which refer only to the region adjacent to the surface in question. The example below will clarify the details of the method. The surface of zero shear contributes nothing to the force balance ...
of inorganic octahedra sheets separated by organic cation spacers, and a general structure could be expressed as R2An-1BnX3n+1, where R is organic cation spacer with long side chain to separate the inorganic layers, A is the organic cation in octoheral structures, B is the metal ion and...