policy interests and ethical obligations toward refugees. We argue that the refugee ceiling should be restored to historical norms, and that there exists a corresponding obligation to counter negative public perceptions about refugees and the costs of resettlement....
WASHINGTON- The United States will strive to take in 110,000 refugees from around the world in the coming year, a senior Obama administration official said Wednesday, in what would be a nearly 30 percent increase from the 85,000 allowed in over the previous year. The increase...
That is around 2.6% of the population. See: Syrian Arab Republic Statistic Abstract 2007–16 Year (Damascus: Syrian Arab Republic, Office of the Prime Minister—Central Bureau of Statistics, 2007), 76. 45 Joseph Sassoon, The Iraqi Refugees: The New Crisis in the Middle East (London: I....
The four people infected with the virus are relatives of a woman who tested positive earlier this week and are isolating inside their home, according to a statement from the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, who aded that they were so far not in need of hospitalization. The Palestinian...
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister Marc Miller administers the Oath of Citizenship, during a citizenship ceremony in Ottawa, on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024. Photo by Justin Tang/The Canadian Press/File Article content MONTREAL — One way Canada plans to shrink the number of temporary ...
Forced displacements across international borders continues to rise. Between 2010 and 2017, the global number of refugees and asylum seekers increased by about 13 million, accounting for close to a quarter of the increase in the number of all international migrants. ...
Throughout the civil war, more child refugees have been allowed into the United States than any other age group. Out of the Syrians who have resettled in the United States since 2011, almost half have been children younger than 14. But since October, only 10 of the new arrivals have bee...
Statistics on " Immigration in the United States " Overview Legal permanent residents Naturalizations Refugees and asylum seekers Illegal immigration Public opinion The most important statistics U.S. number of people with green cards FY 1820-2023 Number of persons naturalized U.S. FY 1990-2022 ...
COMAYAGUA, Honduras (AP) — The 3-year-old girl traveled for weeks cradled in her father's arms, as he set out to seek asylum in the United States.
They are No. 1,746, a number she knows by heart, on the long list of would-be refugees hoping to convince U.S. immigration agents of their need for protection, in her case from drug-related crime. "We were fleeing from the drug traffickers. They are looking to kill me and my famil...