He was not able to speak to an agent over the phone to discuss alternative plans, and the WestJet employees at the airport assured him and the rest of the group that being re-routed through the island would be their best chance to get to Edmonton. However, the flight leaving...
Northern Health Authority (NHA) saw 14 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday (Oct. 27), the highest number of cases NHA has reported in one day since the beginning of the pandemic. The previous one-day high was 12 cases, reported on Sept. 15. In addition to cases, the B.C. COVID...
In its latest update, Jan. 6, BCCDC reported 16,109 cases of COVID-19 in the Surrey local health area from Jan. 1, 2020 to the end of December. During that same period, there were 1,131 confirmed cases in South Surrey and White Rock. Fraser Health’s local health ...