Hardware Implementation of Discrete / Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform Using Redundant Number System CORDIC Processors service running on portable application has forced the development of high quality and low power implementation of complex signal processing algorithms. Image... J Rudagi,S Subbaraman -...
The combination oftheserialports and IDP means that SHARC processors can support up to 20 stereo I2 channels, providing up to 40 channels of audio (whichisimportantasthe numberofspeakers and input sources is increasing in audio applications). ...
This paper presents the implementation of DCT/IDCT using Loeffler Algorithm, radix-2, radix-4 and radix-8 CORDIC processors. The implementation of high radices results into reduction in the computations thus making it faster and power efficient. By using higher radix CORDIC processor 50% ...