events. Muslims, Balts, Crusader Christians, many family Factions, unbelievable Feats of military and political Genius, and above all - a message that there is a God for all, not just one Faction, that shaped the fate of Middle Eastern Europe, and threfore also the World, for centuries to...
Muslims. 她呼吁采取教育和提高认识的措施, 协助消除针对穆斯林的非理性忧虑原 因。 The idea of encouraging refugees to integrate in host countries was unrealistic and irrational, and would lead to crisis. 鼓励难民融入东道国的想 法不切实...
Extremely arrogant owner who claims to be Muslim but is not Muslim friendly at all and asks you to leave if you question whether his meat was halal. Also sells alcohol so advice to Muslims is to steer clear and go to Palm Palace on Edgware Road instead where the food is wholesome and ...
Regarding the food, for me, this restaurant tastes better than its equivalent, that you can find in china, when you are french (i lived in china for 2.5 years and I am a big big fan those muslims shops, who make hand made noodles). First of all the the balanced betwee...