Multiple imputationReplicationMISSING DATAThe use of multiple imputation to address missing data has improved the quality of clinical trial reporting but has also introduced the nuisance of results that are subject to sampling variability introduced by using a finite number of imputations. There is a ...
2008. Selecting the number of imputed datasets when using multiple imputation for missing data and disclosure limitation. Statistics and Probability Letters, 78, 15-20.Jerome P Reiter.Selecting the number of imputed datasets when using multiple imputation for missing data and disclosurelimitation....
When the outcome variable has many missing data, imputation has been a common method. But when the response is the number of homicide and contains many zeros, we have to deal with zeros in different ways. In order to deal with the zero response many methods has been developed. This paper...
HATCHet2 partitions the reference genome into variable-width bins that each have an approximately equal number of reads covering heterozygous germline SNPs. Compared to fixed-width bins used in many approaches, HATCHet2’s variable-width bins account for the varying ...
McCarroll, S.A. et al. Common deletion polymorphisms in the human genome. Nat. Genet. 38, 86–92 (2006). Article CAS Google Scholar Locke, D.P. et al. Linkage disequilibrium and heritability of copy-number polymorphisms within duplicated regions of the human genome. Am. J. Hum. Genet...
Somatic copy number alterations (CNAs) are major mutations that contribute to the development and progression of various cancers. Despite a few computational methods proposed to detect CNAs from single-cell transcriptomic data, the technical sparsity of
st: nlcom - Maximum number of iterations exceeded FromGuilherme Travassos <> To"" <> Subjectst: nlcom - Maximum number of iterations exceeded DateTue, 28 Jan 2014 14:01:50 +0000...
of two parts: (1) a prefixPREFIX; and (2) the actual barcode[A,C,G,T]+which is an arbitrary-long string of lettersA,C,G,Tuniquely identifiying a single cell. By default, CHISEL implementation defines thePREFIXasCB:Z:according to the 10X Genomicsformat, however different barcodesPREFIX...
Graph analysis has been used to encode the elementary duplication structure of a genome29 and for multiple-sequence alignment of repetitive sequences with shuffled domains30, making them well-suited to represent VNTRs that differ in both repeat count and composition. Here, we propose the ...
Imputation Imputation from 60K SNPs to whole-genome sequences for Sutai pigs was conducted with Beagle (v4.1)32using the default parameter settings, and the size of each sliding window was set to 7,000,000 bp. This software is based on a hidden Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm for impu...