1,288 vandalism acts, and 111 physical attacks. Attacks or assaults were defined as physical attacks on Jewish people or those thought to be Jewish, accompanied by evidence of antisemitism. Orthodox Jews—because they are more visibly recognizable as Jewish—received the brunt of the attacks. Th...
The issue of the percentage of population constituted by various minorities in Arab countries is one of the most problematic and inaccurate questions in modern Middle Eastern studies. Several Arab ...
The number of young American Jews participating on the rite-of-passage Birthright trip to Israel has almost halved in recent months, amid widespread disengagement with Israel as a reaction to the government’s policies. A Ha’aretz investigation, taking figures from five key trip provider...
What is the mood of the setting in Number the Stars? There's suspense and fear in the air. The Nazi soldiers who manned every street and corner of Copenhagen combed through the apartments to look for Danish Jews in order to send them to concentration camps or how the book puts it, for...
Brandeis survey sees upswing in number of US Jews.(NEWS)(Brandeis University)(US Jewry 2010: Estimates of the Size and Characteristics of the Population)Kigner, Elise
Change In The Number Of Millionaires By Country To no surprise, the United States has the highest number of millionaires in the world at roughly 22 million millionaires. Not only do we have the most millionaires in the world, but we also saw the largest change ever in the number of million...
Fun restaurant, but pescatarians, Jews and Muslims watch out for the bacon in the clam chowder. The salty girls are efficient servers and clearly committed cooks, who turn out a surprising range of dishes in double quick time. Beer choice is limited, with, for ...
Copy-number variants (CNVs) have been implicated in a variety of neuropsychiatric and cognitive phenotypes. We found that deleterious CNVs are less prevalent in non-European ancestry groups than they are in European ancestry groups of both the UK Biobank (UKBB) and a US replication cohort (SPARK...
The year is 1943; they live under the weight of Nazi soldiers marching in their town, and shortages of coffee, sugar, and butter. When German troops begin their plan to "relocate" the Jews of Denmark, Ellen moves in with the Johansen family. Annemarie is a fictional character representing ...
(Legends of the Jews, Louis Ginzberg, Book 3) Symbols Common to Theodish Belief and Asatru ValknutSymbol Meaning-Origins of Odin’s Triangle TheValknut: As can be seen, the valknut consists of three triangles linked together. A variation has three horns interlinked. The valknutR symbolizes the...