‘S’ Name Horoscope2025to the transformative paths of the‘U’ Name Horoscope 2025enthusiasts. Meanwhile, the‘W’ Name Horoscope2025promises waves of change, and the‘V’ Name Horoscope 2025followers can anticipate a year of vigor and vitality. Dive deep into these forecasts to unlock the ...
As for the manner Witr prayer is to be said: “Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: The night prayer consists of pairs and when you see the approach of dawn, make this number odd by one rakat. It was said to Ibn Umar: What does the (word) pair imply? He said: (It ...
repeated number in the Holy Qur'an, after the number 1. The Number 7 and the Pilgrimage to Mecca As is well known by Muslims, the last of the five pillars of Islam is 'Hajj', or the pilgrimage to Mecca, which takes place once a year during the Islamic month of "Dhu Al-Hijjah"....
Every civilization had its own way of counting years. The Islamic Calendar counts years beginning with the migration of Mohammed and his followers from Mecca to Medina. The Chinese calendar doesn’t have a running number of years as the Gregorian calendar does. They simply have 60 years cycles,...
InIslam5 is a sacred number. Foremost are the fivePillars of Islam: declaration of faith (shahādah), prayer (ṣalāt), fasting duringRamadan, giving alms (zakāt), and making the pilgrimage to Mecca (thehajj). Prayers are said five times every day. There are five categories ofIslamic la...
As mathematics filtered from the Islamic world to Renaissance Europe, number theory received little serious attention. The period from 1400 to 1650 saw important advances ingeometry,algebra, and probability, not to mention the discovery of bothlogarithmsandanalytic geometry. But number theory was regard...
A terrorist organization such as ISIS has harnessed the great potentials offered by the Internet, and as such, it laid the foundation for the large-scale development of ISIS's information warfare. First of all, the Islamic State has established a professional public relations organization, responsib...
As mathematics filtered from the Islamic world to Renaissance Europe, number theory received little serious attention. The period from 1400 to 1650 saw important advances ingeometry,algebra, and probability, not to mention the discovery of bothlogarithmsandanalytic geometry. But number theory was regard...
routes between East and West, Islamic scholars absorbed the works of other civilizations and augmented these with homegrown achievements. For example,Thabit ibn Qurrah(active in Baghdad in the 9th century) returned to the Greek problem ofamicable numbersand discovered a second pair: 17,296 and 18...
InIslam5 is a sacred number. Foremost are the fivePillars of Islam: declaration of faith (shahādah), prayer (ṣalāt), fasting duringRamadan, giving alms (zakāt), and making the pilgrimage to Mecca (thehajj). Prayers are said five times every day. There are five categories ofIslamic la...