CONFIDENTLY create a printable that you know will sell like hotcakes. Know EXACTLY why some printables fall flat and fail, and others take off and turn into little money-making machines. EASILY create new printables to fill your online store and delight your customers. Use HIGH-CONVERTING TEMPLA...
I am also quickly making my way through every free resource and printable I can find on your blog, sort of alternating between the eBook, courses, and free printables! Thank you so much for taking the time to make all of these free resources, and the courses as well. I am very, very...
=VALUE(A2) To convert a column of text values, you enter the formula in the first cell, and drag the fill handle to copy the formula down the column: For more information, please seeVALUE formula to convert text to number. Formula 2. Convert string to date Apart from text-numbers, the...
=VALUE(A2) To convert a column of text values, you enter the formula in the first cell, and drag the fill handle to copy the formula down the column: For more information, please seeVALUE formula to convert text to number. Formula 2. Convert string to date Apart from text-numbers, the...
I could not stop. I started searching on Pinterest for help. I actually found you through a video you created about Creating A Free Printable using Powerpoint and Canva. I was almost in tears by the time I was over because you were just hanging out on a Thursday night (I remember thinki...