So googolplex 1010100 could be represented by the string "pe100_1". To go higher than 1010300 I considered adding more p's to the beginning of the string to represent extra 10's, but I needed to discuss power-towers high enough to make that impracticl for use as labels. I wanted a...
So, I’m curious about what a big number means to you — is it a million, a billion, a googol, or a googolplex? But if you are thinking about infinity, it is not fair. Infinity ain’t a real number, it’s a concept of an unfathomable idea without any end!
It is like saying "the minimum number that is smaller than 1 and bigger than 2". As for the first question: minus googolplex? Anonymous December 07, 2005 A interesting puzzle based on this:"The least integer indescribable using less than ten words" leads to the same contradiction as with...
Scientists have even estimated the total number of particles in the whole universe. Tony Padilla, a physics professor at the University of Nottingham, obtained the estimate 3.28 x 1080, which is even less than one googol.
“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.”―Anne Lamott “Graham’s number is bigger than the googolplex. It’s so big, the Universe does not contain enough stuff on which to write its digits: it’s literally too big...