首先,您需要访问Apple ID的注册页面。此页面位于appleid.apple.com/#...在注册页面上,您将被要求提供邮箱地址。请确保选择一个您常访问且易于记忆的邮箱地址。此邮箱地址将用于接收有关Apple ID的重要信息和通知。接下来,您需要创建一个密码。请使用包含字母、数字和符号的强密码,以增加账户安全性。
欲创建Apple ID,首先进入Apple ID官网,点击"创建您的Apple ID"。其后,请输入名字与姓氏,英文字母皆可,注意国家和地区应选择美国。在注册美国Apple ID时,出生日期需设定为满18岁后,邮箱则需填入新邮箱,先前注册的邮箱不可重复使用。填写电话号码时,请选择+86(中国大陆),接下输入个人手机号,...
You Will need your Apple id username and password and a trusted device for this procedure If your apple id is a telephone number and you want to change that: Use your mobile phone number as your Apple ID - Apple Support Reply of 1 Apple ID number Welcome to Apple Support Community ...
Also read about "What to do after [or before] you change your Apple ID email address or password" - https://support.apple.com/HT204071 If you still need help: Contact Apple for help with Apple ID account security "This article provides country-specific Apple Support contact information for...
To finalize the change, Apple will send a verification code to your new phone number. Enter the code when prompted and tap on the “Verify” button. This will confirm the association of your new phone number with your Apple ID. Finally, tap on the “Done” button to save the changes. ...
1、一般在苹果手机里安装手机游戏,是在APP中下载的,这需要你在购买手机时输入的APPLE ID,那个就是你的ID NUMBER。2、APPLE ID是在下载APP中的游戏、应用程序和其他一些应用时所需要输入的,有时这个APPLE ID会和你输入的用于购买游戏、程序等(APP中有些是收费项目)时的支出所用的信用卡是关联的...
填写Apple ID 即用户名苹果美国number怎么填,填写Apple ID 即用户名,您可以用它来执行与 Apple 有关的所有操作。为某个 Apple 服务。
Change Apple ID Phone Number for FaceTime and iMessage 1. First and foremost,make sure to sign out of every Apple service and device linked with your Apple ID, except the one you are using to change the phone number. 2. Now, openSettingsand tap theApple IDbanner at the top. ...
Have you received an unexpected notification on your Apple device saying that your Apple ID and phone number are now being used for iMessage and FaceTime on a new Mac, iPhone or iPad? If the answer is yes, there's no need to panic. The message doesn't necessarily mean anything malicio...
Observe the following steps to remove phone number from Apple ID and change your Apple ID phone number afterward. Open iPhone Settings. Click on your Apple account. Go to "Password & Security". There is an Edit button on the right. It’s blue. Tap it. Click Add a Trusted Phone ...