: to add up to or have a total of our group numbered ten in all numberer -bər-ər noun More from Merriam-Webster on number Nglish: Translation of number for Spanish Speakers Britannica English: Translation of number for Arabic Speakers Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about number...
More examples Machine Translators Translatehouse numberusing machine translators Random Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Try 7 Days for Free 🚀 Remove ads Word of the Day
13. Numbers (in Bible) (the Book of) Numbers→ (el libro de) NúmerosB. VT 1. (= assign number to)→ numerarthey are numbered from one to ten→ están numerados del uno al dieznumbered (bank) account→ cuenta f (bancaria) numerada ...
More than 49 million foreign tourists in Spanish territory opted for such lodging services in 2022. Additionally, 7.3 million travelers stayed at friends’ or relatives’ homes during their trips, while a similar number chose a short-term rental option. The trip length chosen by international over...
4 :to assign a number to numberthe pages of a scrapbook 5 :to add up to or have a total of our groupnumberedten in all numberer -bər-ər noun More from Merriam-Webster onnumber Nglish:Translation ofnumberfor Spanish Speakers ...
13 On the other hand, there were no differences linked to sex or educational level. The digit span test from the Wechsler scale is the one most commonly used in neuropsychological examinations. Normative data are included in the Spanish versions of WAIS-III,8 the Wechsler Memory Scale-Third ...
Easy, Fast and Convenient We can apply for and collect your Spanish NIE Number in 10-14 days. All you have to do is fill in an online application form, and visit a local NIE Number associated office to sign a very simple power of attorney. ...
The NIE (Numero Identidad Extranjeros) is a personal, individual, and unique identification number required for all foreigners in Spain who for economic, social or professional reasons need to deal with the Spanish administration or authorities. ...
This article tests the claim that Spanish person and number markers are fused, hence impossible to separate. Traditional studies presume that number values cumulate in person markers, thus creating the portmanteau PN. While agreeing that number values lack their own markers, a few analyses depart fr...
Open this statistic in... Spanish Citation formats Citation formatsView options Access all statistics starting from$1,788 USDyearly* Basic Account For single users $0 USD Always free Access limited toFree Statistics.Premium Statistics are not included. ...