The NumberFormatter class can be used to convert integer numbers to Roman numerals without a custom function using an array of symbols and associated values:<?phpfunction intToRomanNumeral(int $num) { static $nf = new NumberFormatter('@numbers=roman', NumberFormatter::DECIMAL...
If you’re doing an UPDATE, it could be because the data type is not right in the field you’re updating from. If you’re doing a SELECT, it could also be because the data type is not what is expected. You’ll need to find what data is causing the issue to see why your SELECT...
The head casting date will have a letter for the month and numerals for the day of the month and the year of the decade. Some head casting dates will give the decade and year. In the picture above, the casting number is shown with the casting date right below it. On other head ...
inpartbytheU.S.DepartmentofCommerce underGrantNo.BS123456(sponsoracknowledgmentgoeshere). Papertitlesshouldbewritteninuppercaseandlowercaseletters,notall uppercase.Avoidwritinglongformulaswithsubscriptsinthetitle;short formulasthatidentifytheelementsarefine(e.g.,"Nd-Fe-B"). Fullnamesofauthorsarepreferredin...