Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit ...
Tobin Track Listing: Should’ve Been Me / Danny / Spanish Eyes / Feelings of Forever / Kid on a Corner / I Saw Him Standing There /Johnny’s Got the me Moves / Promises Made /… Continue Reading → Wonderland By Night — Bert Kaempfert And His Orchestra, January 16, 1961 January 24...
cardinal number n (counting number: 1, 2, 3, etc.) (集合中元素的数目) SC 基数jī shù The students are learning the cardinal numbers in Spanish from one to ten. complex number n (mathematics:) (数学) SC 复数fù shù TC 複數 Real numbers are just a part of the larger set of comp...
It’s hard to imagine the unconventionally structured, entirely Spanish-language song ever becoming a major fixture on U.S. top 40, but Bad Bunny might need at least a little radio love to edge out some of the radio-friendlier songs it’s going to be in competition with in the weeks ...
Spanish, Portuguese and Italian word name meaning "pretty" Meaning: "pretty" Description: Linda will live forever in baby name history for toppling Mary from its four hundred year reign as Number 1. Queen of Names in 1947, Linda has fallen even further in favor than Mary today. ...
Think of the Mary Rose, the Spanish Armada, the sinking of the Belgrano in ’82. The regattas, sailing and yachting (if at nothing else, ‘team GB’ still do well at Olympic rowing). Over the pond, the pond in which the unsinkable Titanic sank, there’s Moby-Dick; down under [sic...
The `en` is an ISO language abbreviation; you can use other languages: `\cslang` for Czech, `\delang` for German, `\eslang` for Spanish etc. All available language options are listed in the \ulink[]{\OpTeX/ documentation.} The command `\def\tmark {...
executive domains in MCI subjects with AD pathology (A+T+N±) compared to those with normal levels of AD biomarkers (A-T-N). Conclusion: This study provides further evidence of the validity of Spanish NEURONORMA cognitive battery to characterize cognitive impairment in the AD pathological ...
” Presto: Massive visibility in the Spanish-speaking world and a song that ought to transcend any linguistic barriers unlocked even if the best I can manage is a title that translates as “If It’s Trout It’s Trout.” Expect that long-desired Daddy Yankee collabo to follow any day now...
April 23 is known as World Book Day. The idea of setting a day to encourage reading came out from UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) in 1995. In fact, it started long before that in Spain. In 1922, Spanish writer Vicente Clavel Andrés suggested the...