Additional CSS styles to apply inline to the container div and the root SVG. According to the CSS syntax documentation, it is recommended to quote font family names that contain white space, digits, or punctuation characters other than hyphens. In such cases, wrap the fontFamily name as follow...
[![CI Status]( Moetakef/SMNumberWheel.svg?style=flat)]( Moetakef/SMNumberWheel) IntroductionSMNumberWheel is a custom made control (subclass of UIControl) for iOS, written in Swift, which is ideal for picking numbers instead of...
SVGSVG AnimationsPNGPDFEPSCDRPSDDXFLineAndroidIOS 100PX 300PX 600PX 900PX More sizes : B a s e Use on the web Animations 1Use these in your website JavaScript OnlineWebFonts_Com({ 'Id':'.div', 'Data':__Animations['483823'], }).Play(); ...