my fingers are doing the exact same thing. have you found anything that helps? Reply nic over a year ago Im going through the same thing right now 2 weeks ago my hands got real stiff and my heals on my feet where hurting it was very weird then little blisters under the skin star...
e.g. The cold numbed my fingers... 严寒冻得我的手指都没有知觉了。 e.g. An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area... 通常先注射局部麻醉药,使该部位失去知觉。numb 单语例句 1. Numb fingers or pain spreading through the hands and arms are both indicators ...
Look into Reynaud's syndrome. Wear layers and gloves to help protect the fingers. You may have great circulation but unfortunately your capillaries may not be working properly in your digits. Good Luck. Reply Guestover a year ago Both my index fingers are constantly numb, iv had it for a ...
These will lead to the compression of the thoracic outlet, through which nerves and blood vessels to the hands pass. The condition can lead to an array of symptoms, such as pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in the ring, middle and little fingers, as well as in the inner forearm. ...