Num-particles网络粒子数 网络释义 1. 粒子数 通过设定“粒子数”(Num particles)指定要为每个粒子碰撞创建的目标粒子数。 设定目标粒子的“扩散”(Spread)。|基于1 个网页© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈
voidGeometryCollisionParticleSystemAffector::affect(ParticleSystemRefPtr System,constTime& elps) {UInt32NumParticles(System->getNumParticles()); Line ray; IntersectAction *iAct = IntersectAction::create(); Pnt3f ParticlePos, ParticleSecPos;Real32HitT(0.0f);for(UInt32 i(0) ; i<NumParticles ; ...
A method of recovering platinum particles from the flow of the reaction gas in the process of nitric acid production comprising passing the reaction gas through a layer of sorbent formed by a granular composite material, containing calcium oxide and binding agent, which includes magnesium oxide and...
voidcloth::SwFactory::extractVirtualParticles(constCloth& cloth, Range<uint32_t[4]> indices, Range<PxVec3> weights)const{ PX_ASSERT(this== &cloth.getFactory());constSwCloth& swCloth =static_cast<constSwClothImpl&>(cloth).mCloth;uint32_tnumIndices = cloth.getNumVirtualParticles();uint32_...
摘要: >A double Compton effect on nncleons was evolved in the Integration of dispersion relations for prccesses with variable numbers of particles in the case where nonobserved energy-range is absent (integration was made with observed range of energies.) (R.V.J.)关键词:...
作者: Michel Houellebecq 原作名: Les particules élémentaires isbn: 0375727019 书名: The Elementary Particles 页数: 272 译者: Frank Wynne 定价: USD 14.95 出版社: Vintage 出版年: 2001-11-13 装帧: Paperback© 2005-2024, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司 关于豆瓣 · 在豆瓣工...
ompparticles.cpp:(.text+0x322): undefined reference to `omp_set_num_threads' 2016-10-26 08:56 −... vicyang 0 2605 jetSonNano darknet ubdefined reference to 'pow',undefined reference to 'sqrtf'... 2019-12-10 15:00 −我在用CMakelist编译工程时,遇到了这个一连串基础数学函数找不到的...
RECENTLY reports have been published of microscopic particles moving along strands in the sieve tubes of cut sections of Primula obconica 1,2 . This movement has suggested that protoplasmic streaming may be the mechanism of transport of sugars in the phloem of higher plants and it therefore seemed...
2 The table gives information about five particles, A, B, C, D and E.number of number of number of particle electrons neutrons protons A101311B182018C181818D10128E101010(a) State the atomic number of A...[1](b)State the nucleon number of B.[1](c) Write the electronic structure...
ompparticles.cpp:(.text+0x322): undefined reference to `omp_set_num_threads' 参考