num_features:为输入的数据的通道数, eps:使分母不为零,保持数据的稳定 momentum:用于在训练时对均值和方差的估计 affine:为True时表示γ和β是可学习的参数,为False表示γ和β是不可学习的参数,此时γ=1,β=0; track_running_stats=True;整个batch的方差和均值...
程序崩溃在当析构一个带有vector成员函数对象的时候,在析构vector时,会出现这个错误,大致原因是因为析构的时候找不到vector分配的空间 一行一行查看代码发现,对象里面的points2, status等vector变量是在calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(img1, img2, points1, points2, status, similarity, window_size, level, term_criteria,...
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Those significant anti-motility properties were proven by a reduced ability for migration (60%), invasion (99%) and colony formation (61%) under 48 h exposure to 25 渭g/ml VSM. The restricted motility features were due to an induction of the stabilization of the cytoskeleton 鈥 actin ...
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Seventeen patients had mildly elevated serum troponin I levels, but only 1 of 19 had angiographic evidence of clinically significant coronary disease. Severe left ventricular dysfunction was present on admission(median ejection fraction, 0.20; interquartile range, 0.15 to 0.30) and rapidly resolv...
Transplant Proc 1991; 23: 1448–51.Noack, KB, Wiesner, RH, Batts, K, Hoek, B, Ludwig, J (1991) Severe ductopenic rejection with features of vanishing bile duct syndrome: clinical, biochemical, and histologic evidence for spontaneous resolution. Transplant Proc 23: pp. 1448-1451...
R. J. FrancoisSpringer-VerlagClinical RheumatologyFrancois RJ. Some pathological features of ankylosing spondylitis as revealed by microradiography and tetracycline labe- ling. Clin Rheumatol. 1982 Mar;1(1):23-9. 6. Uderhardt S, Diarra D, Katzenbeis- ser J, David JP, Zwerina J, Richards W...
correction to corre1ation between p1atinum a1uminide coating features and 10si1e behavior of nicke1 based supera11oy reneò80Fig. 12 SEM images of fracture surface (longitudinal section): uncoated tensile samples with a fracture end and b cracks initiated from oxide layer; coated samples with...