First, the garbage collector gets a snapshot of all running threads and all loaded classes. Then, all objects that are referred to by this thread set are marked as current. The process stops when all objects that it is possible to reach have been marked and the rest have been discarded....
just want to say that I was so touched by your transparency (坦诚). I haven’t been attacked publicly ever like you, but I’ve suffered from depression—just recently in fact. It helps a lot to hear personal stories, and it helped to read how you might have handled things differently....
It is many things. For one thing, the name TCP/IP is a bit misleading—TCP/IP is just shorthand notation for a full protocol suite, or set of protocols that have standard ways of interacting with each other. TCP and IP share the name of the whole protocol suite because they form the...
Must have exactly one root element and an arbitrary number of elements below the root. May have miscellaneous stuff after that. The last part, "miscellaneous stuff," is referenced in a wry tone here—it's considered by many people to be a design error of XML. It makes parsing XML documen...