#NUM error Hi, This formula is returning a #NUM error and I can't see why =IF(AND(G27+G28<>0,TODAY()>Dashboard!D29+10),DATEDIF(Dashboard!K29,TODAY(),"d")&" Days Overdue",G27+G28) The error only occurs when l... HansVogelaar I have isolated the problem. Using the formu...
Similarly, if you’re using the DATEDIF function, the provided end date must be greater than the start date. You can also have equal date entries. But if it’s the opposite, the result will be the #NUM error. Let’s see it in an example: =DATEDIF(A2,B2,”d”) calculates the diff...
Similarly, theDATEDIF functionrequires that the end date be always greater than the start date (or both dates are equal). If the opposite, the formula will produce a #NUM error. For example, this formula will return the difference of 10 days: =DATEDIF("1/1/2023", "1/11/2023", "d"...
error? I'm trying to calculate number of days, but it may be days before the 2nd date is keyed in. How do I hide the error in the cell until the date is added to complete the formula? Hi, You may use IFERROR around the DATEDIF...
I was curious if there is any possible way to run a function within the if function such as: =IF(IS BLANK(G3),"","") but I would like to insert the function =DATEDIF($G3,$M3,"M") in place for value_if_false so if the IF is false it would calculate that formula and displa...
Datedif Null error in excel Excel error Value error in excel Ref error in excel Excel growth function num error How to Fix #Num Error In Excel Code Problem Issue In this section, we will be covering all the mistakes that the user makes, and some tips and methodologies to fix #num Error...
IF(ISNUMBER(DATEDIF(A30,B30,"d")),IF(C30<=90,"Y","N"),"# NUM!") I have another formulae which looks for the result and if Y or N then all... philb99 Thread Mar 24, 2019 column date finish formulae num Replies: 3 Forum: Excel Questions T Run Time Error in Macro I ...
Neenalou =IFERROR(DATEDIF(A4,B4,"Y"),"start date greater end date") or =IFERROR(DATEDIF(A4,B4,"Y"),"") Maybe with one of the above formulas, depending on the expected error response.
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#NUM error Hi, This formula is returning a #NUM error and I can't see why =IF(AND(G27+G28<>0,TODAY()>Dashboard!D29+10),DATEDIF(Dashboard!K29,TODAY(),"d")&" Days Overdue",G27+G28) The error only occurs when l...